The holiday season is a time filled with joy, celebration, and gatherings with loved ones. However, for introverts, these social events can sometimes be overwhelming and draining. While it’s important to take care of ourselves and honor our need for solitude, declining holiday invites can be a delicate task. In this blog post, we will […]


The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, but for introverts, it can also be overwhelming and exhausting. The constant social interactions, crowded gatherings, and pressure to be outgoing can leave introverts feeling drained and disconnected. However, with some thoughtful planning and self-care strategies, introverts can not only survive but truly thrive during […]


It’s no secret that introverts love our alone time. But despite its many benefits, solitude still has a bit of a reputation problem. Society often views alone time as a sign of loneliness or anti-social behavior, rather than a healthy and restorative practice. But that’s just plain wrong. In reality, solitude is a valuable tool […]



As the founder of Introverts Retreat monthly subscription boxes, I have dedicated myself to creating a community for fellow introverts.

I understand the struggles of feeling misunderstood and unseen in a world that often values extroversion. So I created Introverts Retreat, a fun monthly subscription box that helps introverts feel appreciated and celebrated.

Before founding Introverts Retreat, I spent quite a few years writing about nutrition (I have a masters degree in human nutrition), did some freelance medical reporting and co-authored two Dummies books: Superfoods for Dummies and Clinical Anatomy for Dummies.

Let’s Get to know each other

I’m Shereen