The Value of Solitude: Highlighting the Benefits of Spending Time Alone In our fast-paced and interconnected world, solitude is a rare gem that many of us overlook. We often find ourselves constantly surrounded by noise, distractions, and the demands of modern life. However, amidst the chaos, there lies a powerful force that can transform our […]


As we approach the new year, it’s natural to reflect on the past year and consider what we want to achieve in the coming year. However, it’s also a time when societal expectations can become amplified, with the pressure to make resolutions and start anew. This can be especially challenging for introverts, who may feel […]


We introverts may find it difficult to communicate our need for solitude without hurting the feelings of friends and family. However, it’s important to remember that taking time for oneself is a healthy and necessary part of self-care. So here are some tips for communicating your need for solitude in a way that is respectful […]



As the founder of Introverts Retreat monthly subscription boxes, I have dedicated myself to creating a community for fellow introverts.

I understand the struggles of feeling misunderstood and unseen in a world that often values extroversion. So I created Introverts Retreat, a fun monthly subscription box that helps introverts feel appreciated and celebrated.

Before founding Introverts Retreat, I spent quite a few years writing about nutrition (I have a masters degree in human nutrition), did some freelance medical reporting and co-authored two Dummies books: Superfoods for Dummies and Clinical Anatomy for Dummies.

Let’s Get to know each other

I’m Shereen