Picture the scene: You’re standing in a room full of strangers, small talk swirling around you like a tropical storm. Your palms are sweating, your heart is racing, and you’re secretly plotting your escape. Sound familiar? Welcome to the introvert’s nightmare: networking. Despite the soul-sucking nature of networking, it’s actually a crucial part of professional […]


Ambiverts are the social chameleons of the personality world. They strike a balance between introverted and extroverted traits, which gives them an enviable level of flexibility in social situations. But with great power comes great responsibility, or in this case, a few potential downsides. Here’s a deep dive into the two pros and two cons […]


For those of us who prefer a low-key approach to Halloween, the constant pressure to dress up, attend parties, and mingle can be a real buzzkill. But fear not, my fellow introverts – there’s no rule that says you have to go all out to have a good time on Halloween! You can still get […]



As the founder of Introverts Retreat monthly subscription boxes, I have dedicated myself to creating a community for fellow introverts.

I understand the struggles of feeling misunderstood and unseen in a world that often values extroversion. So I created Introverts Retreat, a fun monthly subscription box that helps introverts feel appreciated and celebrated.

Before founding Introverts Retreat, I spent quite a few years writing about nutrition (I have a masters degree in human nutrition), did some freelance medical reporting and co-authored two Dummies books: Superfoods for Dummies and Clinical Anatomy for Dummies.

Let’s Get to know each other

I’m Shereen